About Our Church

About Our Church

Every ministry has its "thumb-print". You will find ours is a balanced teaching of the Word of God, verse by verse and cover to cover. We believe that the Bible holds the answers to life, and as we study it, we experience its life-changing power. Living out our faith is important, so we reach out to the world through acts of service, connection and compassion. Celebrating who we are in Christ is important too. He knows us by name, forgives all our sins and directs our steps. He gives us grace and strength to live for Him. He works all things together for our good and He promises us that we will live in heaven with Him forever! At Reach, we believe our new life in Christ should be celebrated 24/7!

We are a church with a passion to love God, love people, and share the good news of Jesus Christ with the world. God wants every person to experience life in relationship with Him. Through the Bible we discover who God is and what it means to walk with Him.

Sunday 10 am
Bible Study
Thursdays 7 pm

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simply jesus

What We Believe

What We Believe

The Godhead

We believe and preach that there is one living and true God, eternally existing in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, equal in power and glory; that this triune God created all, upholds all and governs all.

God The Father

An infinite, personal Spirit, perfect in holiness, wisdom, power and love; that He concerns Himself mercifully in the affairs of men; that He hears and answers prayer; that He saves from sin and death all who come to Him through Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ

God’s only begotten Son, conceived by the Holy Spirit. We believe in His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles and teachings, His substitutionary atoning death, bodily resurrection, ascension into heaven, perpetual intercession for His people, and personal, visible return to earth.

The Holy Spirit

Came forth from the Father and Son to convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment, and to regenerate, sanctify and empower in ministry all who believe in Christ. We believe the Holy Spirit indwells every believer in Jesus Christ and that He is an abiding Helper, Teacher and Guide. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit and in the exercise of all biblical gifts of the Spirit as reflected through the fruit of that same Spirit.


We believe and preach that all people are by nature separated from God and responsible for their own sin, but that salvation, redemption and forgiveness are freely offered to all, apart from works, by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.


When a person repents of sin and accepts Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord, trusting Him to save, that person is immediately born again and sealed by the Holy Spirit, all his/her sins are forgiven, and that person becomes a child of God, destined to spend eternity with the Lord.


We believe the only true basis of Christian fellowship is Christ’s unconditional love, which is greater than any differences we possess, and without which we have no right to claim ourselves Christians.

Baptism & Communion

We believe and preach that the Lord Jesus Christ committed two ordinances to the Church: 1) Baptism, and 2) The Lord’s Supper. We believe in Baptism by immersion and that The Lord’s Supper (Communion) is open to all believers.

Return of Christ

We believe in the personal, visible return of Jesus Christ to the earth and the establishment of His Kingdom; the resurrection of the body; the final judgement and eternal blessing of the righteous and endless suffering for the wicked.


We believe that worship of God should be spiritual. Therefore, we remain rooted in the Word but flexible and yielded to the leading of the Holy Spirit to direct our worship

We believe worship of God should be inspirational. Therefore, we give great place to music in our worship.

We believe worship of God should be intelligent. Therefore, our services are designed with great emphasis upon the teaching of the Word of God that He might instruct us how He should be worshipped.

We believe worship of God should be fruitful. Therefore, we look for His love in our lives as the supreme manifestation that we have been truly worshipping Him.



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Missions and outreach are one of our passions here at Reach. We feel strongly that the reason we come to church, study the Word and grow as believers is to take what we’ve learned; the love, compassion and Good News of Jesus Christ, to a world in need.

Pastor Ezekiel Aseka

Centre of Hope and Transformation

In Nov 2009, a desire to reach out to the un-churched youths of Mathare was born in Pastor Ezekiel Aseka's heart. Ezekiel was raised in the Mathare slums of Nairobi, Kenya, one of the largest slums in the world. Ezekiel answered the call and from a small group of four, the Centre of Hope and Transformation took root in Mathare. In November of 2010, a church was launched and today, lives are being transformed by the Gospel and love of Jesus Christ. COHAT has added a school that ministers to the children in Mathare, teaching them, feeding them and loving on them! The church continues to grow with a church plant and school in Buthere, Kenya.

Eric and Jen Opland

Tanalian Bible Camp

Eric and Jen Opland have spent the last 13 years serving on the foreign mission field in Mexico & South America. In 2020 God changed their direction and called the Oplands to Alaska to serve with Tanalian Bible Camp. They are working with post-high school Alaska Natives to be further trained in the Word of God, practical life skills, and mentored to become leaders who can have a positive impact on their communities. They both have a desire to bring hope and make Christ known in Southwest Alaska.

Todd & Becky

Wycliffe Bible Translators Asia

Having spent the past ten years completing the New Testament in a previously unwritten language, Todd and Becky have begun work on the Old Testament. Their passion for the Word and languages have served them well as they teach and educate indigenous peoples the truth of the Gospel.

Pontem Health Collective

Medical, Dental & Optical Care

Birthed from the idea of providing practical care to meet deeper spiritual needs, Pontem Health Collective was created. Teams of dental, medical and optical servants are formed to create open doors where the doors aren’t easily opened. Serving to the ends of the earth, this ministry seeks to reach those in remote places where there are no doctors or dentistry available.

Greg Breznik

Senior Pastor

Growing up an as an atheist, I was a senior in college when the Gospel changed my life. One night, having been encouraged by Christian friends to read the Bible, I sat down and read the Gospel of John. The truth of God’s love called to me that night and I became a believer in Jesus, born again.

My journey as a Christian brought me to Calvary Chapel where I have served the body of Christ for many years and in many capacities. Through my experiences serving the church, I’ve witnessed the power of Biblical truth to change lives. I am deeply grateful for the many opportunities I’ve had to teach the Bible while witnessing its transforming power in the lives of people.

I’m excited to be the pastor of Reach Orlando. My heart’s desire for our church can be summed up in the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. “Till we come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ”. I’m encouraged as I walk along with the Reach Orlando family as we “come to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.



Questions? Need Prayer? Please don't hesitate to contact us.


Reach Orlando Church
3580 Aloma Ave #7
Winter Park, FL 32792




+1 407-720-7546

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